Summary: e-Stocks - Peter Cohan, Tim Burns, Review and Analysis of Cohan's Book
Business Book Summaries
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Summary: e-Stocks - Peter Cohan, Tim Burns

Review and Analysis of Cohan's Book

Business Book Summaries


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This work offers a summary of the book “E-STOCKS: Finding the Hidden Blue
Chips Among the Internet Impostors” by Peter Cohan.Peter Cohan is president of
his own management consulting firm specializing in the evaluation of emerging
business opportunities created by new technology. He is the author of
e-Profit: High-Payoff Strategies for Capturing the E-Commerce Edge. At
present, Internet stocks are not in favor because of the dot-com crash which
occurred in mid-2000. However, to use that as a reason to permanently avoid
investing in Internet stocks would be to ignore the fact that these will
certainly be the emerging growth companies of the future once all the hype has
died down. According to Peter Cohan, what is needed most is a disciplined
approach to Internet investing. At the heart of any such investment strategy
must be a search for Internet companies that have real, viable and sustainable
business models. In E-Stocks, the author offers seven methods to help
investors find the profitable Internet stocks of the future. This thoroughly-
researched book also provides the reader with useful tips and tools to invest
in the hyped world of Internet stocks.
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